Birthday Cakes
Birthday Cakes – When you deliver a cake to a youth, it is a huge boost to their self-esteem. You are demonstrating to them that someone in the community knows and cares about them, and that you have confidence in their future. Sometimes the cakes we bring are the first that a youth has ever been given to celebrate their birthday with.
How it works –You will get an email the 3rd week of each month with the first name and age of all the youth with birthdays the following month. Click on the link provided in the email and add your name next to the name of the child which you would like to provide a cake for. Or, ignore the email if none of the dates are convenient for you.
EMAIL to get on the monthly list.
EMAIL your cake order to Costco in advance.
More about the cake
New Parameters
- Please provide a store-bought half-sheet cake (some cottages have 20 youth plus staff that share the cake)
- Costco 1/2 Sheet Cakes are loved by the youth.
- Most grocery stores also bake ½ sheets if you pre-order
- Costco 1/2 Sheet Cakes are loved by the youth.
- No names or personal inscriptions
- AVOID predominately RED or BLUE cakes (gang colors can be an issue in some cottages)
- No cards, additional food of any kind, or anything else
- No peanut products please. Many youth are allergic.
- No gifts or cards please – children are the same everywhere – if one gets something the other does not, they feel less valued and loved.
- Remove any of your personal information before delivering to Echo Glen. Cakes may go directly to the youth.
- Deliver the cake to Echo Glen by 5 PM the day of the birthday or one day prior.