GED Support

Invest in a youth’s future

Help students move toward a better career and a sense of personal accomplishment.  Many of these youth haven’t done well in mainstream schools due to various factors, many beyond their control.   Work with one to 3 students helping them to prepare for their GED test.  Curriculum is provided and you will be working with staff.  Ideal timing would be immediately after school at 2:45pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, or Fri, or 2:30pm on Wednesdays.

    Benefits of Getting a GED

    More jobs and more promotions will be open to them.  Employees with a high school diploma or GED earn 10,000 to 20,000 more a year than those without. This equates to at minimum $480,000 in their lifetime toward financial independence for themselves and their families.   And after achieving their GED, with encouragement and support, many can choose to continue their education and further improve their job opportunities and financial independence.