Friends of ECHO GLEN
Helping teens in the Washington State juvenile justice system
Friends of Echo Glen is a 100% volunteer community that exists with the sole purpose of helping the youth at Echo Glen Juvenile Correction Center to rewrite the scripts of their lives. These teens have immense untapped potential. We help them gain self-esteem by providing essential building blocks for healthy development thus breaking the cycle of neglect and abuse.
EMPLOYMENT – Looking for paid work that genuinely matters? CLICK HERE
of young people in the juvenile justice system have experienced childhood trauma such as homelessness, gang violence, and physical and sexual abuse — which affects almost all of the incarcerated girls. Many of their families have also experienced inter-generational trauma.
Here are some opportunities to show these appreciative youth that you care. Must be over 21 years old.
WAYS TO GIVE – great for all ages
Don’t see anything that interests you?
Whatever your expertise, passion or hobby is, there is a group of youth who would love for you to share it with them! Email and we’ll help connect you to some appreciative youth..
Want to learn more about who the kids are at Echo Glen?
Check out these videos: