Love Letters From God
Our 12th Year of Sending Encouragement!
If you were an incarcerated youth, what could be more inspiring than knowing that in spite of all the bad choices you have made, there are people in the community who still have faith in you, are cheering you on, and that Jesus loves you?
That’s what we want to tell the kids at Echo Glen this Valentine’s Day – WE CARE and Jesus Loves them! We give 15 hand-made Valentine’s cards/letters to each of the nearly 100 youth – male & female. These can be made by small groups, youth groups, or compassionate individuals. The cards can include:
- Personal notes of encouragement
- Fun jokes and riddles
- Uplifting quotes and scriptures such as: Jesus Loves you; You are beautiful in God’s eyes; All should be encouraging and inspirational, rather than convicting – most of these kids have very low self-esteem.
- Leave room for the youth’s name on each card. We’ll add in later to make it even more personal.
- Add your 1st name only (no contact info). Can also add your church’s name.
- Optional: small candies (no nuts & nothing on sticks like tootsie pops)
Here are the parameters to making cards.
Please EMAIL to let us know you/your group is participating or with any questions. All cards are needed by Feb 11th, so they can be compiled and names added for each resident.
Hope you can help share God’s love for these kids through Valentines!
…My word goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11