
Sewing Club
Thursdays 3 – 5 pm 

This volunteer driven class is in huge demand!  We said we had room to start with 6 students, 50 signed up!  We need YOU to engage all interested youth.

First group of boys proudly finished P.J. bottoms and moved on to making stylish long sleeved shirts.  They are learning basic hand embroidery and crochet skills. Their self-esteem has soared as they realize they can take care of themselves, save money by mending and sewing, and up-cycle existing clothing  all while they are having fun!

Knowing how to sew, for anyone, is a useful life skill with lifelong practical applications and many health benefits. To sew requires concentration and focus, problem solving skills, requires good following of directions, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. It challenges left brain thinking and is a great way to express ones creativity and individuality. And the completion of a project boosts their morale and self-confidence.

Thank you to Campbell Global and the anonymous supporter for their donations that purchased the 12 new Baby Lock machines that are being used by current students, and will be appreciated by students for years to come.

Please consider joining us or donating fabric or other sewing items.  With your help, we would love to turn this into a Fashion VoTech program.