Details for Making Valentines

Our 12th Year of Sending Encouragement!

Valentines are needed by Feb 11th

Thank you for being willing to tell the kids at Echo Glen that Jesus loves them and that we in the community have faith in their futures and are cheering them on. We plan to give 14+ hand-made Valentine’s cards/letters to each of the 130+ incarcerated youth – male and female.

We will also hope to give 14+ cards to each of the 25 staff who will be working with the youth on Feb 14th. Cards for staff can say things like, “thank you for making a difference in the youths’ lives”…

Here are the details:

Cards are needed by Feb 11th at the latest so my group can add names & compile 14+ cards/youth that evening.

Cards should include:

  • Room for echo youth’s name on each card -makes it more personal and powerful.  Envelopes are optional – not necessary – leave unsealed if you use them.
  • Your first name (only) – also makes it more personal. Can also add your church name
  • Encouragement:
    • SCRIPTURES – such as Jesus Loves YOU; YOU are beautiful in God’s eyes; We are praying for you… (scripture ideas attached).
    • Or ENCOURAGING MESSAGES AND QUOTES telling the youth that we care about them and know they have a wonderful future ahead of them
    • Or JOKES OR RIDDLES – Good for the youth to know that we Christians have a sense of humor too!
  • CANDY optional – you can tape small candies in some cards. NO peanuts or sticks like tootsie pops.

     DO NOT include:

  • Metal or sharp embellishments on the cards – no paper clips, mini clothespins, brads or anything else that a youth could use to cut a wrist or hurt themselves.
  • Contact info – but please do sign your first names (and church or group is great too)
  • Anything that could be viewed as judgmental – most have very low self-esteem so words & verses should be encouraging rather than convicting. Avoid scriptures that talk about doing evil or sin and condemnation.

I’ll be sure and forward any feedback that I hear from staff or kids.  We know that even those that ‘have’ to put up the tough exterior for show, will still be deeply moved by the community showing such support and love.  And the truth of God’s words and love will plant seeds that will have a ripple effect into eternity.

…My word goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  Isaiah 55:11

Thank you for blessing the youth in this way!

EMAIL with questions or to deliver the cards you have made.